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Outside-in illusion of life

Our feelings are 100% generated from the power of thought in the moment, they are in no way related to outside circumstances. This is a principle, not an assumption or hypothesis.

My coaching is based on the understandig behind human experience. Most people suppose that our feelings are connected to the outside world- circmumstance and people. Basically this assumption is based on the fact that our circumstances and people have power to create our feelings.

E.g. when we are in the area of collective sport, for instance hockey: then we suppose that the loss of a game should create negative feelings inside every single player. But is it really true? Are all the players sad or frustrated after the loss? I do not suppose that...

Lately I have had a call from my client- a professional soccer player after the loss of his team. While walking to the club bus, he met his old friend. After a short chat, he found himself in a really good mood. As soon as he realized that his mood „should not be“ positive, his positive feelings changed to negative ones: such as seriousness and frustration... etc.

In no way I am saying that he should be enthusiastic and smiling after the loss of his team. I am just pointing to the real and only source of our experience. And this source is definitely not an outside circumstance (in this case loss of a game), but thought in a moment. I personally see thought as a sort of energy passing through us, and as we are aware of life (consciousness), we are able to experience this energy- so we have feelings. There is a 100% direct connection between thought and feeling. However there is 0% connection between outside circumstance and our feelings.

Concerning the experience of that client: his head cleared naturally, his consciouss thoughts about the loss of a game have temporarily disappeared (habitual thought: loss=bad feelings) and so he suddenly felt good. Clarity of mind is our natural state. When there is no habitual thinking in the way, we experience feelings such as joy, contentment, enthusiasm, productivity, creativity... etc.

Another example that disproves the connection between outside circumstance and our feeling state is related to my latest visit at the dentist. I have to acknowledge that I am not that enthusiastic about visiting a dentist, and even this time it was so... However as soon as I sat down on the dentist chair, I suddenly felt very calm, relaxed and full of trust. Despite all those instruments inside my oral cavity J, I felf very contentment inside... Even a dentist and her assistant have seen that as my facial expressions were expressing those positive feelings.

Did I do any techniques to reach those feelings? Where did that feeling suddenly come from? Why was I feeling very comfortable in a relatively unpleasant situation?

I was basically not consciously thinking at the moment, my head cleared naturally. I used to say that I surrendered to the flow of life... There was no conscious intention from my side. The feelings of insecurity were all of a sudden changed by the feelings of contentment, security, trust, and uncondtional love. Love that is not dependent on any external objects or people. I personally perceive this love as a sort of life essence.

When our head is clear, we experience our true nature that is free of contaminated thinking. This type of thinking is empowered by the outside-in illusion of life- that circumstances and people cause our feelings.

It is quite natural that despite this understanding, you get caught up in this illusion. However if you are looking in the right direction: that our mind is not a camera, but a projector of our life, then you get caught up in this illusion much less. And even when you are caught up in this illusion, you wake up in much shorter period of time than you used to. So the consequences of this outside-in illusion are less dramatic: e.g. in case you argue with your spouse . :)

At the end of this blog, let me just wish you a pleasant waking up from this illusion... :)

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