Thank you for your interest in the Dr. Michal Kopčan Consultants coaching services. If you would like to ask Michal Kopčan a question, please use the contact form. The answer to your question will be sent to you personally via email.
A list of questions and answers appears below. You'll find helpful information for interviewing and hiring a coach, working with a coach, types of coaching, and specific information on Michal's coaching system, philosophy and policies.
What kind of person benefits most from coaching?
The best candidates for coaching are people who want to be coached. People who are forced into coaching are not good candidates. They should be ready and willing to make changes in their lives.
What is mental game coaching?
Everyone wants to master their mind. Winners in all walks of life have explored, tested and mastered the mind-body experience to become top performers. Every sports star has a mind coach, even when they are at the top of their game and don't "need" one. They want to maintain momentum and velocity and reach even more of their potential. Mental game coaching embraces the whole person and helps that person use their mental powers to succeed in bigger ways than they ever dreamed were possible.
How is mental game coaching different from other types of coaching?
It's an integrated mind-body approach. It explores parts of you that other coaching styles don't go into. We talk about performance issues and the mental roadblocks that hold you back. It's comprehensive in scope. It's about making your mind work for you so you can be a winner.
How do you define "In the Zone"?
You are in the zone when you have a calm mental state, pure focus, relaxation, your mind is in the here and now and you are allowing things to happen. The zone is a state of mind and body that ignites your ability to perform to your potential. You can use your zone skills in any performance arena.
What is your philosophy of coaching?
In essence, I believe every person has great potential to have fantastic success in life. I want to bring that potential to reality.
How do I know when I am ready for mental game coaching?
If you are unsure, we can chat and see what you think you need. I can ask you some questions to help you figure that out.
What happens during a typical coaching session?
We have an engaging conversation about how our mind works- this understanding has a significant impact on your life (not only sport). Maybe you are happy with your life but just want to continue maintaining your high quality and make even more progress at a faster rate. The magic is in the dialogue between us. Together, we come up with new ways to look at issues and we discover creative ways that get you to the next level.
Why is your type of mental game training effective?
It is certainly due to the fact that I was playing soccer on a very high level and I can fully understand the sportsman mind. Everything I am coaching my clients is based in the understanding behind human experience.
Do you have coaching packages?
That's what most people choose. I have some people who take quick coaching hits from time to time, but most folks want an ongoing coaching process.
I'm not sure I want to immediately sign up for long-term coaching. How can I sample what you have to offer?
A phone chat is one way, at no charge, to see how we are together. Beyond that, you could take individual sessions, not part of a package. I should mention that the packages are discount priced. Most people go that route and then decide.
How does the process of coaching work when we can't meet face to face?
Coaching that is accomplished by phone, email, phone, skype or google hangouts and other means is termed virtual coaching. This can be very effective, and in many cases, almost preferable to in-person coaching. Skype sessions are audio-recorded and clients will receive audio record after each coaching session.
Of course, the non-verbal elements are not present over the phone or email, but when I coach folks and need to view their performances, electronic tools help me repeat, slow down and capture them very nicely.
I coach some people whom I have never met, and whom I probably never will meet, just because we are separated by thousands of miles of distance. If this is your situation, virtual coaching is perfect.
Do you coach people on a last-minute, emergency basis?
Yes. I often receive frantic phone calls and emails from sportsmen with a major game or performance the next day. They either are not ready or want an independent expert opinion, or just a sounding board. These might be ongoing clients of mine, or people to whom I've never spoken. In any case, I will do my very best to help you in your time of need.
Can you tell me more about how confidentiality operates in coaching and how important it is to successful coaching?
Every form of helping other people is centered around trust. That trust is built upon the bedrock of confidentiality. This is true whether the relationship is educational, therapeutic or one in business. When I coach you, we will share material that is private and I respect that privacy. I create a safe place for you to explore your issues and to tell your story so you can go places you have never gone before. That's how you increase self-awareness, and that leads to learning and growth.
So, yes, confidentiality is absolutely the most important aspect to successful coaching.
I have a sensitive situation at work (sports club). Can we keep the fact that I am even engaged in coaching quiet?
We can do more than keep it quiet. No one will ever know your name, that you are engaged in coaching, or your situation, if that serves your interests best.
I see you have testimonials from people you have coached on your web site. Will you be putting what I say on your site or other materials?
Not unless you want that. Every testimonial you see on any of my materials are there because each person has directed them to be there. They are so pleased at the results of my work with them that they wanted other people to have the same benefits they have had. They gladly gave me their permission to do so, in writing.