Importance of mental training in soccer
As a certified mental game coach, I have made an interview with Mr. Martin Sevela, ex-professional footballer (soccer-player) and currently football manager of the Slovak "A" team AS Trencin. Martin has been in the position of the manager of the "A" team for 2 years and his biggest success so far was winning the national title in the 2014-15 season as well as winning the National Cup in the same season and reaching second place in the 2013-14 season.
Under the baton of Martin Sevela, AS Trencin has also made appearances in UEFA league (2Q and 3Q in 2014/2015), and in UEFA Champions league (2Q in 2015/2016).
The interview was focused on the importance of the mental training in soccer. Martin uses the services of mental game coach on a regular basis and considers mental training as an important aspect of sportsman preparation.

So, here is the whole interview performed in CW 1, 2016:
Why have you decided to use the services of mental game coach?
One of the main reasons for this decision was that during my active football career, the mental aspect of the game was not considered as important part and almost no time was devoted to this area. I was personally aware of the importance of the mental game. I wanted to know more about this essential part of sportsman preparation and at the same time I wanted to find the appropriate and effective mental game strategies for my players. As well as I want to expand my knowledge in this area and I consider the development of mental aspects of the game as inseparable part of the modern sports coaching.
How important do you consider the cooperation with your mental coach? (How frequently do you have coaching sessions with him?)
I consider mental aspects as a key element in the sportsman development. Me as a football manager of the club AS Trencin, perceive the development of the mental aspect of the player as a significant part of the overall game and personal development. I have a regular coaching sessions with my mental game coach in average once per 3-4 weeks. During the coaching session, we always mutually set up certain goals and discuss critical situations that have occurred during the particular time period. This cooperation has lasted for 2 years and I am very satifisied with it.
How strongly do you evaluate the importance of mental game coaching in the success of your team?
I have changed my viewpoint on certain aspects of the game, I consider football player as a whole personality, not only focusing on his performance in the game. I try to continuously work with my players on their overall mental toughness. As a football manager, I highly value mental preparation and I am convinced that mental stuff I am discussing with the players and trying to teach them is fully contributive for them. And it has a direct impact on the performance of the player, consequently on the performance of the team and finally on the club itself.
Do you perceive the difference of setting the goals when you were an active player and now as a football manager using the services of the mental game coach? Have you set up your own goals for this season as well as the team goals?
Coming back to my active football career, I remember that we have set up certain goals, but those were only the final goals, not using any process or micro-goals. This was mainly done prior to a new season. During the season, these certain goals have not been reviewed or somehow supported by the process goals. The overall goal setting was not managed conceptually. Considering the goal setting in my current position of a football manager, I have used a support and intructions of the mental game coach. I consider a proper goal setting as one of the most important parts not only in the area of sport, but overall in life. We have set up concrete team goals and as well as individual goals for every player. We have set up final goals, process goals focusing on the specific microgoals. In the season 2014-2015, by the continuous reaching of goals, the confidence of the players was increased. This had a direct impact on the performance of the team and so on its final positive results (winning the National title as well as the National Cup in the same season). Before the season, each player obtains the standardized questionnaire focusing on the team´s as well as on the personal goals. This questionnaire has also a monitoring purpose and is used whenever during this season within the individual consultation with the player (e.g. in case a player is not playing on 100% of his potentional, especially during the training session... etc.).
What are the mental game coaching methods you are most frequently applying in your daily job? Are there any mental skills you have used as a player and now you are passing them to your players? If so, what are they?
During my active pro-football career, almost no attention was devoted to any mental strategies and techniques. The application of these techniques was more incidental than intentionally focused and trained. Vizualization is one of the most frequent methods that I have been using in my current job of a football manager. In my manager practice, I try to teach my players various mental techniques. I regard the regular training of these mental techniques as an essential part of its understanding and their actual application. Vizualization works well in my practice, especially focusing on the desired goals (positive visualization) and as well as visualization of certain game situations. I also highly recommend various breathing exercises in order to decrease the anxiety prior to the match as well as during the critical situations in the match. I work conceptually with the players on their emotions, especially with the players that are more implusive and emotional during the match (e.g. incorrect decision of the refree; faul from the side of the opposite player, trash-talking... etc.). These certain situations are also individually discussed between me and the player keeping the trust environment. Certain mental techniques are used during the regular practice. Various breathing techniques and calming down the player in the tense situation is not only important for the player himself, but for the whole success of the team. Players already realize the importance of these techniques, started to apply them not only in the practice, but also in the matches. The overall results of the mental game techniques are very positive.
What style of communication with your players do you prefer? How do you normally create rapport with your players?
Trust between me and players is essential. Techniques and strategies of mental training are not only important in their professional football career, but also in their private lives. This is really an unseparated unit. I prefer democratic style of communication with the attention to an open discussion. I consider the good and trustworthy relationship with my players as a key element of my work and this has a direct impact on the overall success of the team. The individual approach towards the players is very important and I consider each player as an individuality. I have a lot of foreign players in the team and each of them is a unique person. I always try to create the best rapport with each player and I am interested not only in the player´s performance, but also in his private life. If necessary, we discuss even private issues together. I am interested in their families, children, their private life in general. This invidivual approach in my coaching practice has been proved very effective and I am convinced that this is the right way. I try to inculcate winning mindset and natural leadership to my players. I have successfully applied the individual approach with foreing players in order to significantly decrease their adaptation time in the team. Each player within my team is very important and has the same possibilities. I do not mark the players down! I place emphasis on the individual communication respecting the different characteristics of each player (Within the team, I have players from different continents such as Asia, Africa, or South America).
What is your typical pre-event preparation from the mental game aspect?
I place emphasis on the right game plan prior to each match. Correctly chosen game plan is clearly defined prior to each match and vividly explained to the players. We try to always focus on our performance, on the invididual duties, we do not look for the outcome of the match. Players have to concentrate on their own performance, we always emphasize the importance of concentration in that very moment. We also highlight the "uncontrollables" that can not be influenced by them (e.g. weather conditions, quality of the pitch, their opponent... etc.). I believe in the quality of my players and their total concentration and determination in the match. E.g. vizualization is also used in this context. I pay attention to details prior to the match (e.g. correct choice of the football boots... etc.).
Do you perform the post-event analysis? If so, what do you exactly focus on?
We perform the post match analysis after each match, mainly using the video-analysis that lasts max. 30 minutes focusing on the systematic features of the play. This is done within the whole team. I try not to describe certain situations in the match, but instead to prescribe. This is done together with the team. Secondly I also use the individual form of post match analysis. Mainly I try to highlight positive aspects of the play and negative aspect are perceived as a feedback and things that we can work on. If it is necessary to use stronger critique, this is done individually with the player. This approach is used in order to continuosly improve the confidence of the player and the team as a whole. Players are interactively participating in the post match analysis. Certain video analysis sections are being proceeded and used for the specific aspect of the play (e.g. repressing of the team, defensive play... etc.). From the mental point of view, I place the emphasis on the overall activity of the players, their willingness and behaviour within the whole match. We focus on the contrast between the good and bad game situations. Players can better understand these certain situations when they see the video analysis. Of course, this is done with the emphasis on an open communication.
What is your perspective on the future of mental game coach in the area of football (soccer)? If you had a mental game coach in your club: Do you think that the players, managers (trainers), officials and possibly parents would be frequently using his services? In what areas would you see his biggest contribution for the club?
I consider mental training as unseparated part of the player´s development and I am convinced that mental coaching should be an essential part of each professional club that wants to be successful and on top. Each professional football manager should understand at least the basics of mental coaching. However I am fully open with the cooperation of an external mental game coach within our club. I assume he could be already working with the youth, especially with the players that are playing last year in the youth (U19) and some of them could be playing for the "A" team in the future. Physical attributes such as strength, stamina.. etc, are trained on a regular basis, so should be the mental attributes. I find mental training helpful in overcoming various stressful situations, handling those situations properly and successfully and so building the overall mental toughness. However there are still a lot of people in the conditions of the Slovak football that have prejudice against mental game coaching. So it is important for them to clearly define function and main responsibilities of a mental game coach. My personal development as well as the development of my players is an continual matter. I can personally recommend each manager, official and player to use the services of a mental game coach and my decision to cooperate with the mental game coach was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
At the end, I would like officially thank Mr. Martin Sevela for his time, support, and overall open discussions we have had on the topic of the mental training.